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Total Design www.totaldesign.com

Alex Kan

By 04-05-2022

An interactive story about a boy during the war who happened to be Jewish

How can we tell the personal, true story of a Jewish boy in World War II both visually and digitally? That question was central to the development of alexkan.nl, a website where you get to know Alex Kan, from his birth in Amsterdam in 1930 to his death in Sobibor in 1943.

Alex Freddy Kan, Alex Kan’s stepbrother, came to creative agency Total Design via the Jewish Cultural Quarter to investigate whether this story could be told on the basis of his personal archive material.

In close cooperation with Alex Freddy Kan, designer Jakob Schleenvoigt developed an interactive story that takes you through the life of Alex Kan in 30 minutes. A website where you not only find photos, but also material from Alex’s mother’s baby diary, school reports and letters – including letters from Alex himself.

Alex Freddy: “The creation of this website is of great personal importance to me and I am intensely grateful that in this way we have been able to bring my half-brother somewhat out of oblivion, and that during the process I have also gotten to know him even better myself.”

The website alexkan.nl is live as of today.

Credits images: Total Design/Alex F. Kan